María Agustina Fernández Raggio is a multidisciplinary Uruguayan artist born in Buenos Aires in 1985. She works with painting, embroidery, installations, and audiovisual mediums. Her work reflects on the sociability of culture and the symbolic rituals that permeate us as communities. The intersection between social observation and artistic action creates spaces for necessary thought and transversalities to contemplate the network that sustains our practices. Since the beginning of her career, her exploration led her to self-management and the exploration of portraiture as a constant practice and uninterrupted reflection. By exercising various languages, she was able to delve deeper into her thoughts and sensitivity.
Future Ancestors
“Future Ancestors” is an exploration that aimed to delve into the imagination of the children from Garzón’s School No. 16, based on Elsa Bornemann book “El libro de los chicos enamorados” and the reflections of Gianni Rodari, who wrote in his book “Gramática de la fantasía” about the necessity of nurturing imagination in education. Rodari maintained a belief in children ‘s creativity, emphasizing the liberating power of words. Building upon these thoughts and poems, Agustina developed an annual program for Rural School No. 16 in Garzón en Focus; Naveed Mulki joined during CAMPO AIR October residency.
The outcome we share in “Futuros Ancestros” is a situated poetic essay that draws the bridges we’ve crossed together. It’s a critical and sensitive view of our horizons, our roots, where metaphors served as allies and the landscape stood witness while the children whispered about a soundless land from the past.
“Futuros Ancestros” includes: Aarón Cedrés Rus, Sara Rivero González, Yéssica Pérez Bentancor, Antonela Bentancor Machín, Agustín Barrios Pérez, Mateo Souza Núñez, Verónica Techera Batista, Jairo Silva Núñez, Lucas Rodríguez Rivero, Lucía Altez Cabrera, Camilo Sosa Hornos, Franco Barrios Pérez, Agustina Fernández Raggio, and Naveed Mulki.